Pledge Sports

Successful Hockey Managers Have the Following Traits

What Makes a Successful Hockey Manager? Made, Not Born!

Source: Pexels

Being a great sports leader is paramount for a team to be successful, no matter the sport. Most exceptional leaders are groomed to be great through hard work and sheer determination. This is no different when it comes to hockey. There are many attributes one can look at that decides a successful manager, and we are going to look at some of them. But before you do, one thing we need to point out is that to triumph, managers have a lot to look at, such as the latest hockey odds, practice schedules, player performance, and even budgets too. It’s all in a day’s work! 

Always looking to improve

If you find yourself at the helm of a hockey team, whether in major or minor leagues and even high school or college, staying on point with each player’s skills is necessary. A manager with insight into what works and what does not will take this as a challenge to understand the dynamics of the entire team and how each team member can improve. Over and above this, the manager is also someone who looks at how he or she can improve their output, team support, and overall performance. Research papers also show how sports leadership is vital in developing athletes and their performance. 

Source: Pexels

Organization is key

Planning is a key skill for successful managers. Why is that? It all begins with planning. A manager on the top of their game will have perfect organizational skills. First up is practice schedules. Your team is only as good as your weakest player so to get the entire team up to scratch, you need a training schedule. This will decide what you need to work on and who your best players are. Secondly, you need to focus on your game plan. Excellent sports leaders know about game plans and how they are paramount to a team’s success. Your game plan will outline the strategies the team will undertake during matches, so don’t skimp, and be as thorough as possible.

Next, we look at the evaluation of games. If for some reason your team lost a game, you will need to look at their performance individually and holistically. Triumphant hockey leaders know how important this is because it allows you to look at your pitfalls and fix them. A great manager also remembers that you must have compassion when evaluating your players.  

Leading from the front

Great hockey leaders don’t only bark orders, they live by them. There is always the expectation that hockey managers will simply tell the team what to do but this is not true. Great leaders lead from the front. But not only that, leading from the trenches shows the team that you are willing to work equally as hard as them which further cements your positive influence on them.  

Positive influence

While no one is expected to be perfect, a great leader both on and off the field, or ice, must have a positive outlook. This makes their job much easier. But not only that, but having a consistently positive outlook truly helps a team to be better, to show up, and win! Couple this with determination and you have a successful combination. 

Source: Pexels


American writer and activist, Sonia Johnson once wrote, “We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.” What a powerful statement, and one that is so relevant to hockey. What is it about determination that adds to your success as a manager? Firstly, you will need to understand that losing is part of winning. Failure breeds the best success and as much as it hurts, it is often the best way to learn. So how do successful hockey managers apply this? Determination is something you nurture and grow over time, and it is usually something you learn in your younger years.

Stand-out managers are dedicated to their craft and their teams. They do this by being prepared with a game plan, having a rigorous training schedule, consistently having a positive attitude (even when days are rough), evaluating game performances, and looking into how they can improve their skills. Determined managers make it their mission to live and breathe all things hockey-related so that they can make the best decisions for the team and the sport. There is also a lot of education around what makes a great sports manager and how to become one, no matter the sport so it is vital to keep up to date in case you need some extra motivation.

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